"Home Away From Home"
The Valter Pension is located in Maneciu Pamanteni, Judetul Prahova .
It is situated on a mountain depression, on Teleajenului Valley, 50 km north of PLoiesti and 14km away from Valenii de Munte, nearby Cheia resort, at an altitude of 800m.
The place is recommended as a rest area, being surrounded by forests, with powerfully ozonized air, continuously refreshed by the fir covered mountain peaks .
The area has a sub-alpine climate, in the summertime the average temperature is 20 degrees Celsius .
It's a perfect altitude for a quiet vacation in a calm area.
Touring Objectives
Cheia Monastery - dated from 1770 , situated on the right side of Tampa river.
Zamfira Monastery - founded in 1743 by Zamfira Apostol. In the big church you can find the graves of mother, brother and daughter of Nicolae Iorga. Inside you can see valuable paintings made by Nicolae Grigorescu.
Suzana Monastery - painting inside is made by Gheorghe Tatrescu .The Complex covers a museum of old church art objects.
The Nicolae Iorga Memorial House in Valenii de Munte,
The Slanic Prahova Resort,
The Cheia Resort,
The Muntele Rosu Caban - 1260 m,
Seismical station from Muntele Rosu,
Pasul Bratocea - 1267 m,
The Ciucas Peak-1954 m,
The Gropsoare Peak - 1833 m,
The Zaganu Peak- 1817 m,
The Tesla Peak- 1263 m,
The Beer Valley,
The accumulation lake of Maneciu,
Crasna Monastery 10km,
Salt-mine & Salt Mountain Slanic 35km,
The first world war hero monument 35km,
The Trout Pools in Izvoarele, placed in a picturesque stage, between the hills, on the river bank. On request you can cook and eat fresh trouts and other local specialties
You can fish from the river or from the accumulation lake.